Professional courses for qualified personnel

Professional Maritime Training

Professional courses for qualified personnel


At UNITED ALLIANCE GROUP, we offer comprehensive professional courses aimed at training qualified personnel for essential roles in the maritime industry. Our programs are designed to meet international standards and provide participants with both theoretical knowledge and practical skills to thrive in their careers at sea.

We currently provide the following professional courses:

  • Rating Forming Part of a Navigational Watch (RFPNW) II/4 - STCW: This course is designed to train personnel responsible for supporting the navigational watch on a vessel. Participants will learn critical skills in navigation, safety, and communication, preparing them to contribute effectively to the safe operation of ships.

  • Rating Forming Part of an Engineering Watch (RFPEW) III/4 - STCW: This course equips participants with the technical knowledge and practical experience required to assist in the operation and maintenance of a ship’s engine room. Trainees will develop skills in machinery operation, safety protocols, and routine maintenance tasks essential for engineering watch duties.

  • Ship Cook: Our Ship Cook course prepares individuals to meet the unique culinary demands of life at sea. Trainees will gain knowledge in food safety, nutrition, and meal preparation for ship crews, ensuring the well-being and satisfaction of personnel onboard.

Each of our courses is taught by experienced instructors and combines classroom learning with practical hands-on training. Graduates of these programs are well-prepared to take on key responsibilities in their respective roles, ensuring safety, efficiency, and high performance on vessels around the world.